Make Maps

Build interactive maps that explain your data

Let your data speak through interactive maps

Interactive maps create immersive experiences that take maps from a static view to an opportunity for users to explore. Enhanced details and new perspectives spring from the map as you zoom in, search, and interact with the data.

There are many ways to explore interactive maps. Here are several options:

  • Gain additional details as you zoom in
  • Click on the map to see region-specific information in text, tables, and images
  • Search the world's locations and your custom locations
  • Get additional perspectives by filtering data and changing colors
Share your interactive maps

Map data from various sources

Bring a variety of data, including spreadsheets, geospatial files, and imagery, into ArcGIS Online. Connect to external sources of observational data such as IoT (Internet of Things) platforms.


Add context to your data

Seeing your data on a map is enlightening, and it also leads you to ask new questions. Add authoritative data to your map to gain perspective and find answers to your questions. ArcGIS Online includes the extensive collection of ready-to-use maps and data in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

Dynamic data shows current conditions

A collection of live feeds showcases our planet's current conditions including weather, natural disasters, earth systems, and traffic. Tap into, analyze, and display these live feeds in your maps and apps. These feeds are reliable and robust, scaling to meet the demands of millions of views per week.

Explore live feeds
A demonstration of an ArcGIS dot map titled “Global Average Temperatures in July” cycling through various temperature data points between Japan and the United States

Build on high-quality basemaps

Place your data on a ready-made canvas. ArcGIS Online includes the broadest collection of current, historic, and creative basemaps. These high-quality basemaps, maintained by Esri, are built using authoritative commercial and community data. Give context and personality to your data using a variety of basemaps.

Global, high-resolution imagery

Gain a bird's-eye view using global imagery.

Explore imagery

Understand your data through visualization and exploration

Patterns and spatial relationships emerge when you visualize your data in a map. Smart mapping helps you turn raw data into information by guiding your exploration and visualization. Suggested colors, styles, and symbols help you find and emphasize the interesting aspects of your data's story. 

See how smart mapping works

Use map styles to answer questions

Choose from a variety of advanced mapping styles. Each style provides a different view of your data.

What does my data look like on a map?

Gain a spatial understanding by visualizing your data in a variety of ways.

Ways to present your data

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