ArcGIS Online

Map Viewer Beta: Coming Soon

The anticipated next generation of Map Viewer will be available in beta the evening of November 19, PST. Because Map Viewer is the primary way you create and interact with your maps, the ArcGIS Online team encourages you to take the opportunity to test and provide feedback about the design and functionality.

The new Map Viewer is fast, intuitive, and flexible. It is built using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x which supports improved functionality and new features. An updated design streamlines workflows and helps you quickly transform your data into impactful maps. Highly performant workflows allow you to be curious and ask deep questions.

This article highlights some of the new features you can look forward to in Map Viewer beta. It also explains how you will access the beta and provide feedback.


Receive instant visual updates when selecting a symbol style, refining data, and selecting a map style. For example, as soon as you pick a color ramp, you will see how it looks on your map. Continue clicking through the categorized color ramps and visualizing them until you find a good match for your layer’s topic.

Instant visual feedback maps

Instant visual feedback is also provided when you set a data filter. Initially, all the data appears on your map. Whatever data you filter out appears grey. This allows you to see the impact of the filter before you save it.

Filter Slider
Filtering in Map Viewer Beta

Every layer of data holds many stories within it. Map styles—including the new Dot Density style—provide different views of your data and reveal patterns in seconds, not minutes or hours. Simply click a map style and instantly see what it reveals within your data. Continue visualizing different map styles until you find one that brings your data’s story to life.

Dot Density


A consistent design pattern provides a logical flow from left to right when authoring a map. Primary tools, such as adding layers, are on the left, the map is in the center, and refining tools, such as change style, are on the right.

Map showcasing Map Viewer interface


New functionality in Map Viewer beta makes map authoring more flexible. Some highlights include the ability to:

Accessing Map Viewer beta

Map Viewer beta will be accessible to all ArcGIS Online users. You will not need to sign up for the beta: it will automatically become available in your organization through the app launcher and when opening items. This lets you test the beta using your existing workflows and data.

Web maps created with Map Viewer beta will not be beta. This means you can use the web maps you create with the beta in many apps including ArcGIS Configurable Apps, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, and custom apps. You can also open web maps created in Map Viewer beta in the existing Map Viewer and vice versa. Confidently use the web maps you create in Map Viewer beta throughout the platform.

Note to administrators: You will have the option to turn off the ability for users to open items in Map Viewer beta.

During the beta phase, Map Viewer will only be available in ArcGIS Online. After it is officially released in ArcGIS Online, the new Map Viewer will be available in an upcoming version of ArcGIS Enterprise.


App Launcher

Providing feedback

The ArcGIS Online team wants your feedback on the design and functionality of the new Map Viewer. A new GeoNet space, dedicated to Map Viewer beta, will provide a forum for questions, discussions, feedback, documentation, and announcements. It will be available when the beta is released. The ArcGIS Online team will closely monitor this space to understand how you are using Map Viewer beta, what you like, and where you see opportunities for improvement. An ArcGIS account with Esri access will be required to participate in the space.

What’s next?

An email will be sent to ArcGIS Online administrators, and a blog article will be published to let everyone know the Map Viewer beta was released. These announcements will also include a link to the upcoming GeoNet space dedicated to the beta documentation, forums, and announcements. Note: the beta and supporting communications will only be available in English.

The existing Map Viewer will be supported for several ArcGIS Online updates, and we encourage you to maintain your existing workflows and use the beta when it’s helpful. Map Viewer beta is an opportunity for you to explore the functionality and provide feedback to help develop this new experience.

If you have questions or comments, please share them using the ArcGIS Online GeoNet space.

About the authors

Lynnae Terpstra manages product marketing for ArcGIS Online.

Kelly was a product manager on the ArcGIS Online team. She enjoys blogging, web mapping, and outdoor adventures.


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