Graphic designers! Here’s an easy way to grab beautiful accurate open map data for your design work. Real data. No tracing. Download vector map data as points, lines, and polygons, all styled and ready for your work in whatever program you stylish folks are using these days. Maps rule, and it’s too fun not to dive into the cartographic tomfoolery.
0:00 Graphic designers, fear not!
0:38 Choosing a basemap for download (OpenStreetMap)
1:00 Padawan mode: print to PDF in ArcGIS Online
1:51 Jedi Knight mode: sneaking high resolution
3:44 Encouragement from an insider
4:11 Force Ghost mode: ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud
If once you start down the map path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will.
Thanks for watching! Love, John
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