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Introducing the new Portal and data services guide for developers

By Kevin Gonzago and Allan Laframboise

We have recently released the new Portal and data services developer guide. The guide is designed to help developers use tools and build geospatial applications. This article provides an overview of what you can expect to find in the guide including key developer topics to help you build applications with the portal tools, portal service, and data services.

New to the guide?

If you are new to our guide, it provides information about what a portal is, including its capabilities, the portal service (the backbone of the portal), and data services you can create with a portal. The guide contains topics, how-to’s, code examples in various APIs, and tutorials.

Introduction to portals

The portals chapter introduces ArcGIS portals and tools for developers. Portals are important because they provides a way to create, manage, and access geospatial content for your apps. If you are new to ArcGIS, this is great place to start. Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

portal and data service guide

Portal service

This chapter provides information on how to develop with the portal service. It covers what you can do with it, and the tools and functionality the service provides. It also explains how you can access and use the portal service to create content and data for your apps you are building.

Here are few topics you will learn about:

Here’s a quick example of accessing your portal using the portal service to list content.

list items

Here is another example of setting the sharing level of a content item.

update sharing level

An example of generating an access token using the portal service.

generate token

Data services

The chapter show you how to create and develop with data services. Data services are important because they allow you to securely create, manage, and access your geospatial data in ArcGIS. Once your data is hosted as a data service, it can be easily access by ArcGIS Maps SDKs, open source libraries, and scripting APIs.

You will learn how to:

Here is an example of using ArcGIS API for Python to create a feature service and hosted layer in a portal.

publish feature service

A quick example of displaying a vector tile service in ArcGIS Notebooks.

vector tile service

Another example of accessing and querying a  with a SQL where clause using ArcGIS REST JS.

Query feature layer

Tools and applications

The guide introduces you to portal tools and applications that can use to enhance your development workflows:

Ready to get started

To start using the portal and data services, you can sign up for an ArcGIS account, create an access token, and make the API requests to run an operation like searching, sharing, and editing portal content.

To learn more, visit the Get started section in the developer guide.

We want your feedback!

Please take our survey to let us know if the guide was helpful and how we can improve it.

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