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Open Platform at the 2024 Esri User Conference

It is that time of year again! The Open Platform team is excited to connect with you at Esri’s 2024 User Conference, July 15-18, 2024, in San Diego, California.  

The Open Platform team 

ArcGIS is an open, interoperable system that drives efficiency and innovation. Sharing, collaboration, and interoperability are crucial to addressing today’s challenges with urgency.

At Esri, the Open Platform team is dedicated to an open and secure design architecture that allows users to seamlessly integrate within their specific environments.

Our open vision enables users worldwide to effectively work with geospatial data, connecting individuals with the necessary information to accomplish their goals. 

Whether you are attending in-person or virtually, this quick-reference guide will help you find all the Open Platform focused sessions and activities at UC so you can make the most out of your time at the event.

Image of the Earth from space with images of different kinds of data next to it.
ArcGIS integrates and manages all types of data, making content available and useable across systems.
Diagram depicting the ArcGIS open platform including open standards, open architecture, open data, open source, open APIs, open science, security and privacy,
ArcGIS is open, interoperable, and supports FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

The Open Platform area within the Esri Showcase at the Expo will include five kiosks and a dedicated Spotlight Theater:

Come find us!  

The Open Platform team will be in the Expo area. We are excited to hear and discuss workflows, best practices, and receive any feedback and/or questions you may have. Please come talk to us about your work at any point during the available Expo hours. 

Expo Hours 

Explore the 2024 Esri UC Events Map via web and mobile (iOS or Android) to locate us at the Esri Showcase within the Expo area and to navigate to our booth and sessions. You can also consult on-site interactive kiosks in the Expo area to get directions at the event venue.  

Geospatial Standards

Esri has been an active participant in the development of many geospatial standards. We have been active in the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), ISO TC-211, IHO, FGDC and many other standards bodies, and standards have proven to be a highly effective mechanism for achieving interoperability.

While the world of IT and geospatial standards are vast, feel free to bring your questions, ideas, and feedback on this valuable topic to us at the Geospatial standard kiosk at the Open Platform showcase.

Whether you are interested in knowing more about the traditional standards for data, metadata and webservices or are interested in newer community standards or the emerging areas of cloud native standards; we are here to help.  

Talk to us about… 


Checkmark button Click this Geospatial Standards Custom Agenda link to find your way to the Geospatial Standards focused sessions.

Data Interoperability and ETL Patterns  

Many tools ingest different data types into the ArcGIS system, and there are also many ways to transform that data while it is loading. Visit this kiosk to discuss overall principles and specific examples using the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension, the new ArcGIS Data Pipelines app, and Python notebooks (in both ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online) for those who are comfortable with coding options. 

Talk to us about..  


Checkmark button Click this Data Interoperability and ETL Patterns Custom Agenda link to find your way to the Data Interoperability and ETL Patterns Standards focused sessions.

Security & Privacy

Security means exposing the right content to the right customers while protecting your enterprise. Esri complies with US government and international GIS standards as well as industry best practices for IT security and privacy. Visit the Security & Privacy kiosk to get your questions answered about security capabilities and privacy policies in ArcGIS. 

Talk to us about.. 


Checkmark button Click this Security and Privacy Custom Agenda link to find your way to the Security and Privacy focused sessions.

Metadata is like the glue that holds everything together as we conduct our work throughout the ArcGIS platform and beyond. It helps us make informed decisions, share data effectively, and ensure the integrity and credibility of our datasets. At this kiosk, we are excited to talk to you about the unified Metadata Editor, that helps make managing and maintaining metadata more delightful than ever before! Additionally, come talk to us about how metadata flows throughout the ArcGIS platform, standards, and of course, your metadata workflows. 

Talk to us about..


Checkmark button Click this Metadata, Catalog, & Search Custom Agenda link to find your way to the Metadata, Catalog, & Search focused sessions.

Enterprise Integrations

Many organizations have recognized GIS as a system of record, an enterprise system for authoritative geospatial information that supports different business processes and users. Those same organizations may implement other systems of record, for asset management, customer relationship management, document management, data science, etc. Integration across these different disciplines is key for successful and holistic data-driven decision-making. ArcGIS supports different approaches for integration with these and other systems, via data exchanges, web services integration, no-code/low-code functional components, and custom developed applications using any of the ArcGIS Maps SDKs.  Bring your specific integration use cases to this kiosk to discuss approaches available to you. 

 Talk to us about… 


Also, check out the Geospatial Ecosystems & SDI kiosk (at the Mapping & Statistics Showcase)

Climate, disasters, people, nature, and more cross borders; our data and technology must cross borders, too. Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) are evolving to address common goals and shared challenges, audiences are expanding, and complex geospatial ecosystems are emerging. Join us in the Mapping & Statistics Showcase to engage with experts and explore advancements in integrated geospatial infrastructure that support your multi-organizational initiatives. Learn about community implementation patterns, capabilities, best practices, tools, and resources to help you meet modern demands. 

Talk to us about 


Checkmark button Click this SDI/NSDI Custom Agenda link to find your way to the SDI, NSDI, and integrated geospatial infrastructure focused sessions.

Checkmark buttonAnd check out these two Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings:

Tues. July 16, 11:30 am -12:30 pm Geospatial Collaboration SIG: Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

Wed. July 17, 11:30 am -12:30 pm Community Engagement SIG: Using Hubs to Foster Deeper Collaboration

Open Platform Spotlight Theater

We’ll be presenting twenty minute Expo Spotlight Talks all week. The theater will have lots more seating ChairChairChair this year, so we are excited Happy face to see you and welcome you to attend our presentations.

See the schedule below or click here to open the Open Platform Spotlight Theater Custom Agenda in your browser.

Man presenting at Open Platform spotlight theater with audience watching
Click here for the Open Platform Spotlight Theater Custom Agenda for a listing of our Open Platform focused sessions and demos.

Tuesday, July 16

10:00 am ArcGIS: Coordinate Reference Systems Standards Support

10:40 am Esri and Open Source

11:30 am ArcGIS Knowledge: Data Integration Using Graphs

12:10 pm Land Administration Domain Model: Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration

1:00 pm Adopting FAIR Data Principles

1:40 pm Esri Geoportal Server

2:30 pm Geospatial Standards

3:10 pm Strategic Initiatives in the European Union

4:00 pm OGC’s New Open API Standards: A Brief Overview

4:40 pm ArcGIS: OGC Coverage Services

Wednesday, July 17

10:00 am Esri Services: Integrating with Open-Source Libraries

10:40 am OGC Feature Services in ArcGIS

11:30 am Imagery Standards: A Brief Introduction

12:10 pm ArcGIS: Open Science Data Format Support

1:00 pm ArcGIS Hub Catalogs: Maximize Data Discoverability

1:40 pm Understanding Data Sovereignty and ArcGIS

2:30 pm ArcGIS: Analyzing Multidimensional Features

3:10 pm Understanding the OGC Simple Features Specification

4:00 pm ArcGIS: Support of Maritime SDI and IHO S-100

4:40 pm ArcGIS: GeoPackage Support

Thursday, July 18

10:00 am ArcGIS: Extract, Transform, and Load Techniques

10:40 am Indexed 3D Scene Layers (I3S) Support in Open Frameworks

11:30 am Using Esri’s ArcGIS REST JS

12:10 pm ArcGIS: GIS-BIM Integrations and Supporting IFC

1:00 pm ArcGIS Support for Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX)

1:40 pm ArcGIS: Support for OGC Map and Tile Services

2:30 pm Finding the Needle in the STAC

3:10 pm R-ArcGIS Bridge: A Fresh Look at Bringing ArcGIS to R Users

See you soon in sunny San Diego! Sun with raysCoolSun with rays

San Diego Convention Center sign with convention center behind it.

About the author

Maria Jordan is a senior product marketer at Esri specializing in ArcGIS products and apps designed to improve community engagement, communication, collaboration, and data sharing. She has been at Esri for 20+ years in a variety of marketing roles and is focused on creating practical resources that convey best practices and customer successes to help organizations achieve their goals.

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