ArcGIS Online

Global Supply-Chain Cyberattacks via SolarWinds Orion

A number of customers have asked us about whether the products they utilize from Esri have been affected by the SolarWinds Orion code compromise (Emergency Directive 21-01).  Esri does not deploy SolarWinds Orion as part of our cloud-based offerings, including both ArcGIS Online and Esri Managed Cloud Services.

Esri does not include SolarWinds Orion as part of our on-premises offerings.

We recommend that any customers utilizing SolarWinds Orion to support their on-premises deployments of our products reference the latest Emergency Directive guidance from CISA concerning this issue to minimize risk to their deployment.

– Esri Software Security & Privacy Team

Security Advisory | SolarWinds – Emergency Directive 21-01

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