In the era of real-time data, AI, and constant connectivity, you can’t afford delays. Whether you rely on Esri technology for supply-chain resilience, conservation, disaster response, or other complex geospatial problem-solving, you need your GIS installation to be well-managed and responsive. Risk compounds with every second of downtime.
That’s why we developed the Esri Support app. Every choice our team makes in designing features for the app is intended to put solutions in your hands before you even know you need them. We’ve integrated AI for rapid triage, options to connect directly with support, and access to the latest technical support resources—and we notify you. Since 2023, the Esri Support app has sent 320,000 notifications to keep users aware of evolving support resources.
System Status Updates
That brings us to our newest enhancements—ArcGIS Online Health Dashboard notifications and chatbot integration. You’ll receive notifications whenever the ArcGIS Online Health Dashboard status changes. For more information, you can ask the Esri Support AI chatbot. Whereas previously it directed you to the Dashboard, now it will give you an immediate answer.
You’ll never have to wonder if ArcGIS Online is running slowly because of an outage again. These updates will give you proactive insights into the ArcGIS Online system status.

Constant Connection with Support
This proactive knowledge is especially empowering when paired with other tailored support solutions in the Esri Support app. When you subscribe to a bug or open a case, you can expect notifications for status changes and messages from your support analysts. No matter where you are, you’ll never miss an update.
The app also sends notifications about new technical support articles, blogs, and videos. We want to make sure you’re aware of and connected to all the resources available to you. That way, you can have them on hand before you run into problems.
The Esri Support AI Chatbot can customize that information to your situation.
By combining real-time notifications, AI-powered chat support, and case management, the Esri Support app gives you the tools to resolve issues faster, stay informed about the status of your system, and make the most of your time and resources.
Download Now
When you download the Esri Support app, you add proactive support and tailored solutions to your support ecosystem. It’s a great way to prepare for potential problems and, when issues arise, to solve them faster.
Download the app in the App Store and on Google Play.
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