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ArcGIS Mission

The TAK Plugin to ArcGIS is here!

By Darron Pustam and Jamon Johnson and Tiffany Glenn

Have you ever experienced challenges when accessing rich content from ArcGIS when using your Android Tactical or Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) mobile device?  The ATAK Plugin to ArcGIS extends these capabilities and can be accessed via the website.

Viewing of supported content from ArcGIS Enterprise
Viewing of supported content from ArcGIS Enterprise

ATAK’s mobile client users can now receive, process, and handle foundational raster and vector content provided by ArcGIS.  When connected, users can browse supported services or access protected content using built-in security authentication.  This content can also be cached for offline use.

Viewing of an ArcGIS image service
Viewing of an ArcGIS image service

Additionally, the ATAK Plugin to ArcGIS enables users to stream their location from an ATAK device back to ArcGIS.  This feature enables an ATAK user’s location to be visualized in applications like ArcGIS Dashboard, or when actively participating in team activities in ArcGIS Mission.

Example of an ArcGIS Dashboard configured with Mission + ATAK Plugin to ArcGIS
Example of an ArcGIS Dashboard configured with Mission + ATAK Plugin to ArcGIS

ArcGIS Mission is a relatively new product that enables analysts, mobile teams, and executives to quickly establish command and control by organizing and managing teams and resources, whether working on planned events or dealing with unplanned circumstances.

Example of ArcGIS Mission with ArcGIS Mission Responder Mobile App + ATAK w/ArcGIS Plugin
Example of ArcGIS Mission with ArcGIS Mission Responder Mobile App + ATAK w/ArcGIS Plugin

To gain access to the ATAK Plugin, please visit and for information on ArcGIS Mission please click here.


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