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When I first met Sarah Zimmer it was out of blue, y’all! Our meeting came at the recommendation of friend and this seasons’ opening episode guest, Matt Piper. He had a chance encounter with Sarah during her bootcamp week at the Esri Redlands campus and was truly impressed. Historically speaking, I haven’t found Matt to be easily dazzled, so if he makes a suggestion I tend to at least investigate. As I was serendipitously also in Redlands, Sarah and I were able to meet in person. At the risk of giving Matt an ego boost, he was so right about her! Sarah is incredible, with a great energy and passion for her work. She is truly excited to be working at Esri on a number of projects that align closely with her interests and values. She especially loves that she has the opportunity to help customers solve problems. Sarah says that she “feels like a kid in a candy store” here at Esri with access to the gamut of technology at her fingertips as well as being surrounded by an amazingly supportive team in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, or AEC, group. Although Sarah says she knew coming to work at Esri would challenge her, she feels like it’s worth it because she gets to be a part of a larger organization that is trying to change the world. She is absolutely driven to use her creative powers for good and find ways to help support Esri’s mission of building sustainability through the power of GIS.
I liked Sarah immensely upon meeting her and enjoyed our conversation so much. She has a presence and a wisdom beyond her years. She was the epitome of insightful during this discussion; her answers were genuine and real. I especially loved her advice to “look for the glimmers” of positivity for helping stay motivated. She is a very positive person and is very motivated both in her career and personal interests. As I sit here writing this it hits me who she reminds me of- James Filloramo from our Season 1 interviews. They both have an incredibly vivacious zest for life and a positivity that is infectious. I can’t say enough good things about Sarah and how much I enjoyed interviewing her. I plan to keep in touch with her as she navigates through her career; I have zero doubt she will be a force for good with any opportunity coming her way. Perhaps we will have her back on a future episode to check in with her geospatial experience at Esri!
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