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James loves botany, ecology, AND GIS. He’s found a place here at Esri where he feels connected to his roots in the environmental space, but also is also able to help people. His customers in the water industry have a variety of needs and he sees to them all with such care and compassion it really is inspiring. James has incredible energy, passion, and a fervor for his job; he says it doesn’t really feel like work because he loves what he does. He is situated with a fantastic team within Esri- they have a great rapport and reputation for working well with their customer groups.
While James didn’t envision himself working with people when he began his college studies, he finds that he is able to connect with them on a personal level. He puts so much effort into getting to know them and understanding their challenges. He takes a personal approach to making certain they have good experiences when they attend Esri conferences and does his best to help them manage the overwhelm that is oftentimes experienced by a first UC attendee. When his customers are scheduled to present on stage, James works with them for weeks in advance to help them prepare. He focuses on making sure they are comfortable and know what to expect.
As we finish our conversation and I asked James for his final thoughts. He leaves us with a quote that resonated with me so much, I put it on a sticky note on my computer. I loved this conversation so much and I enjoyed getting to know James through the process of working on this episode more than I can convey in this post. James is so incredibly kind and warm; he is insightful and driven; he has the most positive and sunny attitude of anyone I think I have ever met. Yellow is the color I associate with him now because he brightens my day every single time I talk to him. His experiences in life and his resulting outlook on each day made me think hard about whether I have a single thing to legitimately complain about… ever. I loved talking with James so much and I can’t wait for the opportunity to see him in person. He has a great big hug in store for him.
To steal a little of James’ thunder, grow like a plant, y’all.
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