ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS Enterprise at DevSummit 2019

As the 2019 DevSummit fast approaches, we are looking forward to the various sessions planned for ArcGIS Enterprise. Whether you are a GIS Analyst, IT Administrator, a Database Administrator, or one of the many other roles involved with supporting and using ArcGIS Enterprise, we have a number of sessions – some brand new – to fill your schedule at the conference.

Let’s look at some of the sessions planned for the week (from Tuesday, March 5th to Friday, March 8th.) Note the dates and times are subject to change, so always check the online agenda for the most recent schedule.

Architecture and Install

ArcGIS Enterprise: Architecting Your Deployment

Before you install ArcGIS Enterprise it is always a good practice to plan your system architecture – what are your common workflows and how do you architect your deployment to support them? This session gives a great overview of the ArcGIS Enterprise software components and capability-based servers to help you architect your environment from an IT perspective. 

Tuesday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Friday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Introduction to ArcGIS Enterprise and Building Your First Deployment

If you are new to ArcGIS Enterprise and ready to deploy, this is the perfect session for you. The ArcGIS Enterprise team will cover how to get started on your first deployment, as well as some foundational aspects of Enterprise.

Tuesday from 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Upgrading ArcGIS Enterprise (new!)

Upgrades are necessary to take advantage of new features and functionality in ArcGIS Enterprise. This new session will help you plan for your upgrade and give you the information you need to perform a successful upgrade. 

Tuesday from 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Friday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

ArcGIS Data Store Management Best Practices

The ArcGIS Data Store is a component of ArcGIS Enterprise that provides you with built-in storage for self-service mapping and analysis workflows. Come to this session to learn all there is to know about the administrative side of the ArcGIS Data Store, from installing, configuring and managing the three types: relational, tile cache and the spatiotemporal big data store. By the way – if you are interested in ArcGIS Enterprise and the data landscape, be sure to review the whitepaper published last UC.

Wednesday from 2:30pm – 3:30pm

ArcGIS Enterprise High Availability and Disaster Recovery

If you are interested in running a highly available ArcGIS Enterprise deployment and/or looking for disaster recovery strategies, this session is for you and will cover various approaches to both, including backup and restore workflows.

Wednesday from 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Automation and Cloud

Quick Start ArcGIS Enterprise with Automation

Learn how to use automation – specifically Chef and PowerShell – to automate your deployment. If you are manually installing the software – try this session out.

Tuesday from 4:00pm – 5:00pm

ArcGIS Enterprise: Cloud Operations using Amazon Web Services

If you are using AWS (or looking to), we recommend attending this session, which will cover all things Enterprise in the Amazon cloud. If you’re interested in Azure, check out the below session!

Thursday from 4:00pm – 5:00pm

ArcGIS Enterprise: Cloud Operations using Microsoft Azure

The counterpart to the AWS session, this session will focus on ArcGIS Enterprise operations in Microsoft Azure – especially relevant if you are using or planning to use the cloud.

Thursday from 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Services and Data

Extending ArcGIS Enterprise

If you are using or looking to use SOEs and SOIs to customize services, this session is for you – especially if you are comfortable with .NET and/or Java.

Tuesday from 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Caching Maps and Vector Tile Layers: Best Practices

Caching is a really effective way to increase the performance of your services. At this session, learn best practices and options for caching from Esri’s caching whizzes.

Thursday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

ArcGIS Enterprise: Best Practices for Layers and Service Types

If you have ever wondered what the difference is between feature layers, map image layers, tiles, hosted services, traditional services, etc, are join this session! From a conceptual level down to using different service types in practice, I promise you will come out of this session with a better understanding of which services to use when.

Friday from 8:30am – 9:30am

Distributed Collaboration: Sharing Data Across ArcGIS

Collaboration is an out of the box way to share content (maps, layers, even applications) across different ArcGIS deployments. This demo theater will focus on what’s new but will also cover some tips and tricks on collaborations. To learn more about the concepts of collaboration, check out the 5 ways to use collaboration blog.

Thursday from 11:00am – 11:30am

Analysis and Python

Big Data and ArcGIS: An Introduction to ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

GeoAnalytics Server is a capability of ArcGIS Enterprise that provides a collection of spatial analysis tools that run very quickly across multiple servers. Join this session to learn exciting new advancements for GeoAnalytics and see some demos in action – especially if you have large datasets and need to better understand and manage them.

Thursday from 10:30am – 11:30am

Using Python and Notebooks in ArcGIS Enterprise (new!)

We’re excited to introduce ArcGIS Notebook Server at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7. This demo theater will show a sneak peek of using hosted Jupyter notebooks in action.

Wednesday from 6:00pm – 6:30pm


ArcGIS Enterprise Customization and Administration

Check out this session if you are responsible for administering your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This session will also cover some of the new administrative workflows on assigning user types and licenses.

Tuesday from 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Designing ArcGIS Enterprise Sites (new!)

Sites are a fantastic way to tailor the experience for your end users into your GIS by providing a website interface to discover and use your data. Join this demo theater for more information on how to take advantage of Sites and customize and brand them to your own organization.

Thursday from 10:30am – 11:00am

Using Webhooks in ArcGIS Enterprise (new!)

A brand new feature coming in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, webhooks enable you to create workflows around events and actions in the Enterprise portal. To see this exciting feature in action and to start thinking about how you can use webhooks at 10.7, pop into this demo theater.

Wednesday from 1:30pm – 2:00pm


Threat Mitigation and Prevention in ArcGIS Enterprise

Learn about deep and critical security knowledge as it relates to Enterprise. This session covers all aspects of your environment from your OS, network, firewalls and more to help you build a secure and fortified deployment.

Tuesday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

ArcGIS Enterprise and SSL Considerations

Have you ever thought something was broken but realized it was an SSL issue? Come to this crowd favorite to learn about each SSL touchpoint in the software.

Thursday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Friday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm


What’s New in ArcGIS Enterprise

We are on the heels of another release of ArcGIS Enterprise as 10.7 is scheduled for the end of March. Join us for demos and information on what to expect in the next release, from webhooks to shared instances and much more.

Wednesday from 10:30am – 11:30am

ArcGIS Enterprise: The Road Ahead

Learn about R&D efforts and new innovations that are cooking at Esri for ArcGIS Enterprise. I’ll try not to spoil any secrets, but if you are sticking around on Friday and interested in the Enterprise roadmap, this session is highly recommended.

Friday from 10:00am – 11:00am

We hope you are able to mark down some of these sessions to attend next week. Don’t forget to stop by the showcase to meet with product and development teams while at the conference and share your feedback!


About the author

Hilary is a Product Manager for ArcGIS Enterprise and loves urban ecology, biking and her dog Ada.

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