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ArcGIS AppStudio

AppStudio for ArcGIS version 1.2 Now Available

By Chris LeSueur

We’re pleased to announce that version 1.2 of AppStudio for ArcGIS is now available.  You can get the new version of AppStudio by logging into or downloading AppStudio Desktop or Player from the download page.

This release includes new functionality and updates to AppStudio templates, the website, desktop development tools, as well as an updated AppStudio Player app.

Here are the highlights or what’s new with AppStudio 1.2:

Portal for ArcGIS Support

Version 1.2 brings support for Portal for ArcGIS (10.4 or later) in both AppStudio Desktop and AppStudio Player.  This gives you the ability to store and manage your AppStudio apps in Portal for ArcGIS (on-premises).  Also new at this release, AppStudio Player supports Portal for ArcGIS.  This gives AppStudio users the option to easily share apps with others in their organization without publishing to the app stores.

It should be noted that using AppStudio within Portal does have some limitations.  Only local make is supported, as cloud make requires access to ArcGIS Online functionality.  This means that Portal users will have to set up a local build environment for each of the platforms they want to target (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, or Mac). To continue to use cloud make to build apps, one user with ArcGIS Online access could act as the publisher for your team.

AppConsole for debugging

AppStudio now includes support for logging software messages using the syslog standard protocol.  This allows developers to see and log under-the-hood information to help debug their apps. AppStudio Desktop has a new AppConsole tool; this is a syslog console built in to AppStudio, capable of receiving data from any device on the same network.  And for convenience when testing apps or when working with enterprise apps, AppStudio Player has built-in compatibility with AppConsole.

AppStudio templates

The AppStudio app templates have been updated with several enhancements and bug fixes. More of the Quick Report template has been localized so you can make a crowdsourcing app that works better in different languages. The Map Tour template now includes support for using OpenStreetMap as your basemap and displays photos better. Also improved is the Map Viewer template, to give you better reliability when reading Web Maps and displaying map layers.

Other Improvements in AppStudio 1.2

  • AppStudio is built on the latest 10.2 version of ArcGIS Runtime.
  • Qt components have been upgraded to Qt 5.6.
  • Improved barcode scanner in AppStudio Player.
  • Better reliability when reading web maps and feature layers.
  • Bug fixes and improvements to the AppStudio Desktop, Player and Web.

See the “What’s new” section of the online help for more details the new features and improvements in AppStudio 1.2. And sign-up for an ArcGIS trial account to get a 60-day trial of AppStudio Standard including all the development tools of AppStudio Desktop edition.

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