
What's New in ArcGIS Hub (March 2019)

Whether you’re using ArcGIS Hub to share open data with your community, or you’re organizing teams of collaborators around initiatives, this spring we’re continuing to roll out feature enhancements to help you more easily create informative and engaging rallying points around shared visions and goals. 
We started with new edit navigation that gets you where you need to go faster. Check it out by clicking the new edit icon on any site to launch directly into edit mode. Just make sure you’re signed in. 


Within the Site Editor, new navigation also makes it easier for you to access site related content including your site’s dashboard and groups manager. For more information on these enhancements, check out our blog post What’s New in the New Year


We’ve also started adding more settings and capabilities within the Customize side panel, eliminating the need for you to navigate between configuration pages and your Site Editor. Stay tuned as we continue to roll out these enhancements.


New text card

The new text card also enables you to quickly add text without needing to know HTML or CSS. You can also more easily insert cards and tables, as well. To learn more, check out this blog post.

A new search experience

On March 5th, we released a new search experience to support you and your community in exploring data and content. Here are some highlights:

  • An autocomplete search bar
  • A redesigned Search Results Page with new filters and collections
  • Support for private items and more content types
  • Faster indexing

For more information, check out our blog post, A New Search Experience for ArcGIS Hub is Here.

View of search results

Initiative template publisher

We’ve also added the option to publish your favorite initiatives as templates for streamlining your internal processes and sharing best practices with other organizations. Here are five fast steps for getting started:

  1. Within ArcGIS Hub, click Initiatives.
  2. Choose Templates from the View By dropdown menu.
  3. Click Create New Template.
  4. Provide a title for the template and click Create Initiative Template.
  5. Within the Template Editor, click Find Existing on any card to add content. A copy of the item you choose will be added to your template.

HTTPs support for hub sites with custom domains

Have a site with a custom domain? We now support HTTPs so that you can ensure a secure connection for people accessing your content. Providing this support greatly improves the security of private data shared on public sites. It also validates your organization as an authoritative and secured source of data.

We’re continuing to develop enhancements within the Site Editor to make it easier for you to configure your site with a custom domain and enforce HTTPs as part of your site’s settings and capabilities. Stay tuned for these updates. In the meantime, if you have a site with a custom URL, ensure that it was configured using these exact steps. For more information on HTTPs enforcement, check out our documentation. 


Get started

Get started with ArcGIS Hub by enabling open data, a capability you already have if you have a subscription to ArcGIS Online. Then, create your first site to begin sharing data with your team or the public. Ready for more engagement tools? Take the Hub Readiness Assessment to find out how ArcGIS Hub can support your goals. 

About the author

As a product marketer for ArcGIS Urban, Katie enjoys sharing product announcements and best practices with the Esri community.

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