Warren Davison

I have all sorts of fun creating engaging maps and graphics and then sharing the process. I work from Kitchener, Canada on Esri’s StoryMaps team where those visuals sometimes make their way into immersive place-based stories. When not digging into vectors and pixels, I can generally be found riding around town on two wheels with toddlers in tow.

Posts by this author
Communicating your Insights: A practical guide

Textbook chart, interactive report, or deep dive workbook? Use these tips and tricks to communicate your Insights workbook effectively.

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Make this Workbook: Emergency Response Analysis

Make this ArcGIS Insights workbook to visualize and share your analysis of emergency response dispatch data.

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Emergency Response Analysis with ArcGIS Insights

Learn how ArcGIS Insights can be used to analyze emergency response times and provide metrics for data-driven decision making.

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Make this Watershed Workbook: Blueprint for Style

Make this watershed workbook and experiment with the style of your workbook to create a cohesive and visually compelling page.

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Make this Watershed Workbook: Chart Vision

Make this watershed workbook and sample some of the visualization offerings of ArcGIS Insights.

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Make this Watershed Workbook: Some Assembly Required

Step through the workflow for preparing data within the Insights scripting environment.

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Homage to a Classic Map

Warren Davison creates an homage to a beautiful Richard Edes Harrison map.

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How to Make this Migration Map…and Why

Warren Davison shares the personal inspiration behind a beautiful migration map, and the steps of its making.

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GPS Activity Map

How to style your GPS activity as a smoking hot molten map of awesomeness.

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