Vicki Lynn Cove

Vicki Lynn Cove is a documentation writer for Map Viewer analysis and ArcGIS Insights at Esri's Research and Development Centre in Ottawa, Canada. She has a background in biology, English literature, and GIS. In her spare time, Vicki Lynn enjoys fibre arts, playing her guitar, and the outdoors.

Posts by this author
Use themes to create reports in Insights

Insights themes can be used to quickly create consistent reports in your organization.

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Share your Insights analysis using ArcGIS StoryMaps

Learn how to use ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell a story about your analysis in ArcGIS Insights.

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Understand the refugee crisis with link analysis

This Learn ArcGIS lesson guides you through an advanced analytical technique in ArcGIS Insights.

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Create your first script in the Insights scripting environment

Use the Insights scripting environment to perform a data engineering workflow.

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Map your community cleanup

Collect community cleanup data with ArcGIS Field Maps and visualize your collection progress using ArcGIS Insights.

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Track virus spread with ArcGIS Insights

Use link analysis in ArcGIS Insights to perform contact tracing.

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Create a COVID-19 relative risk surface

Learn how to use the spatial analysis capabilities in ArcGIS Insights to create a COVID-19 relative risk surface.

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Easy as pie: Mapping large datasets in ArcGIS Insights, part 3

Map large datasets by unique values using pie and column chart symbols.

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Out of bounds: Mapping large datasets in ArcGIS Insights, part 2

Binned maps and heat maps can help you understand the spatial distribution of your large datasets.

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