Vicki Lynn Cove

Vicki Lynn Cove is a documentation writer for Map Viewer analysis and ArcGIS Insights at Esri's Research and Development Centre in Ottawa, Canada. She has a background in biology, English literature, and GIS. In her spare time, Vicki Lynn enjoys fibre arts, playing her guitar, and the outdoors.

Posts by this author
What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2024.1

Insights 2024.1 includes running total and lollipop chart symbols.

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Draw input features for Map Viewer analysis tools

The February 2024 release of ArcGIS Online includes support for drawing sketch layers from the analysis pane for certain analysis tools.

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Getting to know the new filter widget in ArcGIS Insights

A new filter widget has replaced predefined filters in ArcGIS Insights 2023.3. Learn more about migrating your workflows to the new widget.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2023.3

Insights 2023.3 includes a new filter widget, alluvial diagrams, and north arrows for maps.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2023.2

Insights 2023.2 includes map enhancements, new configurations for heat maps, and a PERCENTTOTAL function.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2023.1

Insights 2023.1 includes a report designer, a new publishing workflow, and mapping capabilities in data engineering.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2022.3

Insights 2022.3 includes map labels, layer effects, and updates to data engineering.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2022.2

Insights 2022.2 includes new data engineering capabilities plus enhancements that will increase the efficiency of your analysis workflows.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Insights 2022.1

Insights 2022.1 includes new configurations for reference tables, new options for enabling location, and settings that will elevate your reports.

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