Michael Dangermond

Michael Dangermond has over 25 years experience in GIS in such diverse fields as cartography, agriculture, international boundary delineation, environmental protection, regional planning, park planning, land and wildlife conservation, and forestry. He has been working for ESRI since 2010.

Posts by this author
How Wild is the Land?

The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) is the area where urban development occurs near wildland vegetation.

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Discoveries and Revelations: Exploring the World Soils 250m Layers

ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World now includes the best available medium scale world soil data to support your mapping and analysis workflows.

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Getting Started With Multidimensional Soil Layers in the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

Michael Dangermond gets you started with the World Soils 250m global soil layers in the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

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Sounds Like a Better Plan: USA Transportation Noise, Revised and Updated

The Living Atlas of the World updated the hosted image service featuring transportation noise, from the USDOT.

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A Watershed Moment

Updated data from the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) now in Living Atlas.

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New Updates for Wildfire Aware

App enhancements and updated demographics help to increase your awareness during fire season.

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Be Wildfire Aware within your own maps

The incident, population, and environment enriched layers from Wildfire Aware are now available as a live feed layer for your maps and apps.

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Wildfire Aware App Design and Implementation

The Esri team responsible for the Wildfire Aware app shares key design and implementation decisions.

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Shaded Contour Lines: From Clutter to Context Using the Illusion of Three Dimensions

How to create shaded contour lines for your maps in ArcGIS Pro using ArcGIS Online and the Living Atlas of the World.

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