Katie Thompson

As a product marketer for ArcGIS Urban, Katie enjoys sharing product announcements and best practices with the Esri community.

Posts by this author
Upcoming changes to DCAT configurations on ArcGIS Hub sites

ArcGIS Hub is updating its support for federated data catalogs. See how this change may affect your sites.

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Gather community feedback on a map with ArcGIS Hub

The latest release of ArcGIS Hub includes map based feedback, a new way to gather spatial data from your community.

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Introducing new ways to collaborate with ArcGIS Hub

Need some input on your latest piece of web content? Learn how ArcGIS Hub can help you review and edit content with your teams.

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ArcGIS Hub resources for community collaboration

Find resources for using ArcGIS Hub community features.

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Announcing new and improved ArcGIS Hub content

New! ArcGIS Hub launches a redesigned approach to how it handles the content you share using Hub sites.

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Share fast and simple surveys with ArcGIS Hub

Integrate a Survey123 form or a Quick Capture project into your next ArcGIS Hub site.

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How ArcGIS Hub makes it simple to share engaging content

Coming soon! ArcGIS Hub launches a redesigned approach to how it handles content shared through Hub sites.

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10 tips for growing your Hub community base

Learn how to promote community accounts as part of your online community engagement strategy.

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ArcGIS Hub says goodbye to Internet Explorer and Edge Legacy

ArcGIS Hub is no longer supported in Internet Explorer and Edge Legacy browsers.

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