Kory Kramer

Kory Kramer is a Product Manager for ArcGIS Pro, collaborating across multiple teams to contribute to the direction of product development. He is dedicated to listening to users and finding ways to convert that feedback into a product that continues to add customer value. In his free time, he tries to get outside as much as possible – often on trails, sometimes on a bike. He has recently started composting and is trying to get bats to take up residence in his backyard bat house.

Posts by this author
Migrate folder, database, and server connections from ArcGIS Desktop to ArcGIS Pro

Learn how to quickly and easily migrate folder, database, and server connections from ArcGIS Desktop to ArcGIS Pro

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Before you store data, ask yourself, β€œIs it necessary?”

Use a simple Arcade expression to display point coordinates in labels, pop-ups, and MapTips without permanently storing data.

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Did you Alt+Q it? Command search in ArcGIS Pro 2.8

Discover how Command Search can boost your productivity in ArcGIS Pro 2.8!

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Announcing the ArcGIS Pro Performance Assessment Tool (PAT)

The Performance Assessment Tool (PAT) is a set of benchmark performance tests that assess a computer's ability to run key ArcGIS Pro workflows.

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Get to the Point: Automatically maintain x,y,z attribute values with ArcGIS Pro and attribute rules

Learn how to automatically maintain x,y,z attribute values in ArcGIS Pro using attribute rules.

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Don’t Fret It, Just Edit!

How to both edit and preserve your data in ArcGIS Pro with confidence.

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Geoprocessing, Resolution, Tolerance, and Hair

Learn how resolution and tolerance affect geoprocessing performance and output, and what all of this has to do with hair!

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