Kenneth Field

Ken is an academic cartographer and geographer from the UK, and since 2011 he teaches, talks and writes about cartography, and makes maps to demonstrate map design at Esri. He considers himself a professional 'cartonerd', educated with a Bachelors in cartography and a PhD in GIS and health geography, and over 30 years experience designing curricula, and teaching map design and GIS. He has presented and published an awful lot and is in demand as a panelist and keynote. He blogs (, tweets (@kennethfield), is past Editor of The Cartographic Journal (2005–2014), and past Chair of the ICA Map Design Commission ( 2010-2018). He’s won a few awards for maps, pedagogy and kitchen tile designs. He is author of the best-selling books 'Cartography.' and 'Thematic Mapping' and leads the Esri MOOC on cartography which has been taken by over 200,000 students interested in making better maps. He snowboards, plays drums, builds Lego and supports Nottingham Forest.

Posts by this author
Death in Grand Canyon Updated

In 2012 I made a map of all known deaths in Grand Canyon. Today, on the Centennial of Grand Canyon National Park I release a new version.

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Joy Plots in ArcGIS Pro

A joy plot (aka transect or profile plot) is a series of, normally, horizontally stacked lines that display some value of data vertically.

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Cartography (full stop)

Cartography. is published on June 28th and launched at the Esri User Conference. Here, I introduce the book and give a taste of what to expect.

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When a single map isn’t enough…

How many maps can you make using a single dataset and single theme of population based data? The answer, here, is 'at least 30'

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Terrain Tools 1.1 released

By Kenneth Field, Senior Cartographic Product Engineer. Prior to User Conference in 2015 we released a sample toolbox called Terrain Too...

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Pitch Perfect – a mapping experiment

Sometimes a simple idea leads to something quite fascinating. Since its publication in 2013 I was inspired by Louis Spirito's Baseball's ...

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Taming Typography with ArcGIS Pro

by Kenneth Field, Senior Cartographic Product Engineer Typography is one of the most important elements in map design. Successfully le...

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Take your terrain mapping to new heights

by Kenneth Field, Senior Cartographic Product Engineer Standard techniques for representing terrain, like a hillshade, are adequate for ...

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3D web scenes take flight

By Kenneth Field, Senior Cartographic Product Engineer The latest release of ArcGIS Online included a major new update that brought 3D s...

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