Kristian Ekenes

Kristian is a Principal Product Engineer at Esri specializing in data visualization. He works on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, ArcGIS Arcade, and Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online. His goal is to help developers be successful, efficient, and confident in building web applications with the JavaScript Maps SDK, especially when it comes to visualizing data. Prior to joining Esri, he worked as a GIS Specialist for an environmental consulting company. He enjoys cartography, GIS analysis, and building GIS applications for genealogy.

Posts by this author
Unwinding the Clock: Visualizing Time with Arcade

Recording times and dates can be invaluable during the data collection phase of a project.

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Thematic point clustering for data exploration

Extracting meaningful information from large or dense point datasets can be challenging. Sometimes many points aren't visible because the...

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FeatureLayer rendering: taking advantage of WebGL in 2D

The 4.5 version of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript allows users to opt in to rendering FeatureLayer with WebGL (beta) in 2D MapViews. This ...

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ArcGIS API for JavaScript versions 4.5 and 3.22 released

Version 4.5 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript adds some key capabilities and several smaller (but sweet) enhancements that will come in ha...

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Exploring 3D object data in a custom web app

In a session titled 3D Visualization with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript at the 2017 Esri User Conference (UC), Javier Gutierrez and I dem...

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Creating a predominance visualization with Arcade

At the March 2017 Esri Developer Summit, Dave Bayer and I gave a presentation on how to use Arcade expressions in web apps built on the A...

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Visualizing data in web apps: leveraging the platform

The ArcGIS API for JavaScript contains powerful visualization capabilities that bring your data to life on the web. Some of these include...

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Take advantage of the JavaScript symbol playground

The 4.3 release of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript introduced an app called the Symbol Playground. Its purpose is to provide an environment...

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Enliven your web apps with custom actions

The 4.x series of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript introduced the concept of actions. An action is a task that can be triggered by a user by...

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