Jeff Shaner

Jeff Shaner is a Senior Product Lead with the software products team at Esri. With 27 years experience, Jeff is focused on delivering apps that enable users to work more productively, safely, and effectively. In his spare time, you are likely to find Jeff on the golf course or hockey rink. 

Posts by this author
What’s New In Collector (May 2020)

We've added some great new features in this Android update. Learn what's new in Collector for ArcGIS with the May release.

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ArcGIS Workforce Beta Announcement (May 2020)

We are pleased to announce the Android beta release of ArcGIS Workforce.

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What’s New In Collector (April 2020)

We've added some great new features in this update. Learn what's new in ArcGIS Collector with the April release.

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The Ever-Changing Field Workforce

Mitigating exposure to COVID-19 is driving changes in an ever-changing field workforce. Field apps can help you with planning and coordination.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Tracker (March 2020)

ArcGIS Tracker continues to evolve. See what's new in Tracker for March 2020.

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What’s New in Collector for ArcGIS (March 2020)

Collector for ArcGIS released a major update on the Android platform. Find out what's new.

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Workforce Beta Update (February 2020)

Workforce for ArcGIS is evolving. This short article is announcing an update to the web app and a new banner in the existing web app.

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ArcGIS Field Operations at Esri Dev Summit 2020

This blog lists all the ArcGIS Field Apps tech sessions and activities at esri Developer Summit 2020.

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Collector for ArcGIS Beta Announcement (February 2020)

Collector just updated the beta version for Android. This is the last beta update before release!

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