Heather Smith

Heather is a cartographer and artist. She creates resources for the tutorial gallery.

Posts by this author
Explore Sustainable Development Goals in ArcGIS Pro

Map and explore global unemployment rates.

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Exaggerate your Perspective View

Use ArcGIS Pro to create dramatic perspective views of a landscape with vertical exaggeration.

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Take your map to the next cartographic level, Part 2

Some advanced tips, tricks and ideas to take your map to the next cartographic level.

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Take your map to the next cartographic level, Part 1

Some easy tips, tricks and ideas to take your map to the next cartographic level.

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Block-Print Maps Part III: Custom Fonts

Make a custom font for your maps and further customize it in ArcGIS Pro.

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Block-Print Maps Part I: Pixels to Grain

Use ArcGIS Pro to prepare a hand carved woodcut map.

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Define Projection or Project?

The Define Projection tool and Project tool are often confused. Learn how to properly use them to fix your data.

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Visualize and analyze real time data in ArcGIS Pro 2.2 with stream layers

ArcGIS Pro introduced stream layer to allow users visualize and analyze data or events at real time.

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Tough Cartography

Learn how to imitate cartography from the early twentieth century in order to make a map tough enough to pass the photocopy-test.

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