Heather Smith

Heather is a cartographer and artist. She creates resources for the tutorial gallery.

Posts by this author
Map Hurricane Storm Surges: a GIS recipe

Use global elevation data to predict how storm surges will flood coastlines.

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Use Illustrator and ArcGIS to Make a Walk-time Map

Make a map of attractions within walking distance of a hotel. Access and analyze mapping data all within Illustrator.

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Textures from Basemaps

Generate customize raster textures from Esri basemaps.

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Using common GIS data types in ArcGIS Pro

How to use shapefiles, geodatabases, rasters, and web layers.

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Deep Dive into ArcGIS Maps for Adobe with Photoshop

Use ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud with Photoshop to the map ocean trenches.

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Ice Road to Diamonds Part 4: Make a Custom North Arrow

Learn how to make a custom compass rose that matches the rest of your map's cartographic design.

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Ice Road to Diamonds Part 3: Fade Effect

Fade out the background of your map to draw focus to the theme.

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Ice Road to Diamonds Part 2: Make a Custom Projection

Learn how to build a custom coordinate system in ArcGIS Pro.

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Ice Road to Diamonds Part 1: Prep Your Cartography Project

Download lots of data. Explore it. Thin it. Prepare to map.

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