Gonzalo Espinoza

Gonzalo Espinoza is a Principal GIS Engineer at ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. Gonzalo specializes in hydrologic modeling, real time climate and hydro-informatic tools such as flood mapping and forecasting using National Water Model data. He masters the full geospatial tech stack required to develop scalable and operational services relying on large volumes of EO data in the fields of water and environment. At Living Atlas, he also supports the development of workflows for automation of data updates known as Live Feeds, technology used at Esri’s Disaster Response Program. Before ESRI Gonzalo worked in the development of Water Accounting at UNESCO IHE. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

Posts by this author
Announcing the New Esri Environment Basemap (Beta)

The new Environment Basemap is dynamic and designed for displaying environmental data.

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Global Streamflow Forecast from GEOGLOWS Available in Living Atlas

GEOGLOWS provides streamflow forecast data in three-hour intervals for the next 10 days on a global scale.

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New Updates for Wildfire Aware

App enhancements and updated demographics help to increase your awareness during fire season.

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Be Wildfire Aware within your own maps

The incident, population, and environment enriched layers from Wildfire Aware are now available as a live feed layer for your maps and apps.

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Water Availability in the Jordan River Basin using Living Atlas Layers

Leveraging Living Atlas image services to support water resources management

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Wildfire Aware App Design and Implementation

The Esri team responsible for the Wildfire Aware app shares key design and implementation decisions.

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Evapotranspiration Data in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

Use evapotranspiration data in Living Atlas from the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop).

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Overwrite Feature Services Script Tool for Automating Updates

The overwrite hosted feature services tool allows you to automate updates of ArcGIS Online items, keeping layers displaying the latest data.

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Precipitation Layers in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

Explore precipitation datasets in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World

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