Fizza Chaudhry

Fizza Chaudhry is the Product Marketing Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. She is a visionary and innovative marketer with expertise in SaaS, creative marketing and applying a user-first mindset to develop powerful marketing tools for customers.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web and ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App | December 2021

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App features redistricting data, infographic templates, a threshold areas workflow, and other exciting enhancements.

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How to Use ArcGIS Living Atlas Layers in ArcGIS Business Analyst

In 11 easy steps add ArcGIS Living Atlas layers in ArcGIS Business Analyst.

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What’s New in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro | November 2021

Exciting enhancements have been added to ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro including credit estimation, performance improvement and more.

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