Drew Flater

Group Lead Product Engineer for the Geoprocessing development team at Esri, leading and contributing to projects across ArcGIS products with focus on ArcGIS Pro. Drew joined Esri in 2008, after completing his Masters in GIS at the University of Akron. Now he designs, codes, tests, and documents tools that can be used to understand and find meaning in raw geospatial data. He works to make Esri's geoprocessing and analytical capabilities easy to use and automate.

Posts by this author
AI-Enhanced User Experiences in ArcGIS Pro 3.3

Learn about the new AI-enhanced user experiences for geoprocessing in ArcGIS Pro 3.3, including semantic search and tool suggestions.

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Learn about web tools and geoprocessing services at UC 2021

A quick introduction to web tools and geoprocessing services for Esri User Conference 2021.

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Parallel Geoprocessing in ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro is a powerful multithreaded application with unparalleled (no pun intended) spatial analysis and geoprocessing capabilities. O...

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ArcGIS Pro: Ribbons, Toolbars, and UI Hacks

There are many reasons to use ArcGIS Pro. Maybe you need 64-bit geoprocessing or lightning fast mapping to get your job done. Perhaps you...

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Streamline Your ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Workflows with Interactive Feature Inputs

This post was contributed by Cyrus Maden. Cyrus is a Product Engineer intern on the Geoprocessing and Analysis development team at Esri. ...

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Analysis & Geoprocessing in ArcGIS Pro: Frequently Asked Questions

Last week, Esri offered a free online Live Training Seminar, Streamline GIS Workflows with ArcGIS Pro.  Several interesting questions we...

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Field mapping and Python scripting

A number of geoprocessing tools including Spatial Join (Analysis), Append (Management), Merge (Management), Feature Class To Feature Class

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Calculating Geodesic Distance Between Points

Key enhancements to make distance measurement through geoprocessing better than ever, namely by calculating geodesic distances.

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Finding the nearest feature with the same attributes

One of the key analysis functions of ArcGIS is the ability to determine distances between geographic features.

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