Diana Lavery

(she/her/hers) Diana loves working with data. She has over 15 years experience as a practitioner of demography, sociology, economics, policy analysis, and GIS. Diana holds a BA in quantitative economics and an MA in applied demography. She is a senior GIS engineer on ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World's Policy Maps team. Diana enjoys strong coffee and clean datasets, usually simultaneously.

Posts by this author
Mapping American Community Survey (ACS) Data Just Got Easier

Over 900 attributes from the ACS are available at your fingertips, including many of the new computer ownership and internet connectivity fields!

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Apply Filters to Make ArcGIS Living Atlas Layers Work For You

By applying filters to Living Atlas layers that contain data for all the US, you can subset only the features that you need to analyze and map.

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Women’s Geospatial Forum Now On GeoNet

We are excited to announce one of the newest communities on GeoNet: The Women's Geospatial Forum.

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The Census Bureau Gives You Margins of Error, We Help You Map Them

Explore a few different options for incorporating the reliability (or uncertainty!) of your data in your web maps.

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Evaluate and Prep Your Tabular Data in ArcGIS Online

Data is rarely perfect, which is why ArcGIS Online makes doing quality assurance and data prep as painless as possible.

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Suppress Low Counts and Still Create Informative Web Maps with Pop-ups

Tips for creating maps with great pop-ups when you need to suppress low counts.

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Clustering in ArcGIS Online Enables Data Exploration (September 2017)

With today's new release of ArcGIS Online, clustering is now available, allowing you to find new patterns that are otherwise hidden.

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Intelligent Maps Checklist: Web Maps

Have you ever made a checklist for yourself to ensure that your web map is not missing anything? No? Good news, we've done that for you.

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Intelligent Maps Checklist: Map Services

Have you ever made a checklist for yourself to ensure that your map service is not missing anything? No? Good news, we've done that for you.

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