Dominik Allemann

Dominik studied Geomatics Engineering at ETH Zürich. In 2019, he joined the ArcGIS Urban team at the Esri R&D Center in Zurich as a Product Engineer. He is curious about how new solutions and digitalization can facilitate future urban development.

Posts by this author
Iterative Planning With ArcGIS Urban

ArcGIS Urban allows you to meet the needs of iterative planning: edit the study area, update existing conditions and copy between scenarios.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Urban (October 2022)

Read this blog article to get an overview of the awesome new features of the ArcGIS Urban October 2022 release.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Urban (February 2022)

Read this blog article to get an overview of the exciting new features of the ArcGIS Urban February 2022 release.

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ArcGIS Urban 101 – Projects and Plans

First blogpost of the ArcGIS Urban 101 series, covering what Projects and Plans can be used for - updated for the February 2022 release.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Urban (July 2021)

Read this blog article to get an overview of the exciting new features of the ArcGIS Urban July 2021 release.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Urban (October 2020)

Read this blog article to get an overview of the exciting new features of the ArcGIS Urban October 2020 release.

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ArcGIS Urban 101 – Public content and design content

Second blogpost of the ArcGIS Urban 101 series, covering the difference between the public content view and the design content view.

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