Chris Whitmore

Chris is a product engineer for ArcGIS Online.

Posts by this author
Web maps and Map Viewer Beta

Built on JSAPI 4.x, Map Viewer Beta offers many new features. Understand the key differences between Map Viewer (classic) and Map Viewer Beta.

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Changes to organization security settings

The September 2018 ArcGIS Online release introduces several changes to organization security settings.

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Updating web map layers to use HTTPS

One of the features introduced with last December's update to ArcGIS Online is the ability to update the layers in your web map to use HT...

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Updating ArcGIS Server site references in your maps

With the December ArcGIS Online release, you can now update the ArcGIS Server site URL referenced by layers in your web maps. Because the...

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Publishing tiles from features: efficient, automatic, and economical

With the June 2017 ArcGIS Online release, tile layers have evolved; When publishing hosted tile layers from hosted feature layers, you ca...

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Sharing content privately between organizations

Sharing content privately between organizations is a powerful feature of the ArcGIS platform. You can share any item, including data, lay...

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Adding tile layers to your web map

With the March 2013 ArcGIS Online update, map authors can now add GeoRSS, OGC WMTS, and tile layers to their web maps.

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