Caitlin Scopel

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

Posts by this author
Applying the Watershed Approach to Flood Control Activities

by Laurie Williams, Senior Planner/Watershed GIS, County of Marin, CA The Department of Public Works of Marin County, CA (just north of ...

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Rapid Flood Inundation Mapping: Identifying Where Water Goes

Imagine being able to have an idea of where flooding issues are at the outset of a project.

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Purdue’s River Channel Tools for ArcGIS

The anisotropic nature of meandering river morphology poses unique challenges in analyzing and modeling river channel data using GIS.  S...

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Heightening Situational Awareness During Floods Events

Prepared by: Fernando Salas, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin Special thanks to Dr. David Maidment (CRWR), Dr. ...

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Esri at AWRA

The American Water Resource Association Specialty Conference on GIS will be held in New Orleans next week. The ESRI Hydro team will be ...

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SWAT: Soil & Water Assessment Tool

What is SWAT? A sophisticated basin-scale computer model that predicts impacts of weather, soils, land use and land management on water s...

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ArcNLET: Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit

1.0 What does it do? Nitrate is a commonly identified groundwater and surface-water pollutant; it poses serious threats to human health ...

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Web-based Automated Well Permitting

A common task for agencies managing water resources is to assess how new groundwater wells will affect groundwater availability, groundwa...

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Drag and Drop Part 3 – Making Pop-up Window Information Neater and More Presentable

In part 1 of this blog, we downloaded data from the Fishnet website and made a web map on Part 2 showed how the data could be...

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