Christa Campbell

Christa is an experienced water industry professional with 20 years of success using and promoting technology to solve problems in the water industry. Recognized for Industry thought leadership, strategic thinking, and building success with organizations across the globe. She is a passionate GIS advocate, lifelong learner and collaborator. Builds success jointly with teammates, peers, and customers. Christa is a certified GIS Professional and holds a graduate degree in Geography.

Posts by this author
Supporting Water Organizations with Training

Esri training has something for everyone. Choose from seminars, self paced lessons, instructor-lead and more!

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Mobile Applications take GIS to the Field

Today's Web GIS makes it easier than ever to implement mobile workflows, improving data sharing between the office and the field.

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Why Do Water Operators Need GIS?

ArcGIS supports daily workflows, enabling information sharing, improving efficiencies across an organization resulting in saved time and money.

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GIS: More Than a System of Record

Is your GIS living up to its potential? With today’s technology, your GIS can be so much more than a system of record. I know GIS is gr...

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2018 Esri Water Conference: An Amazing Experience for All

Jack Dangermond keynotes the 2018 Esri Water Conference There wa...

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July Water Meetings are just around the corner!

Please join Esri's Water Practice in San Diego the weekend before the User Conference. We are hosting two water focused meetings. Pick on...

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