Charlie Frye

I am the Chief Cartographer at Esri and work on the Living Atlas Team. I have been with Esri in Software Products since 1994. I specialize in GIS engineering and information product design. I am the author of many global scientific and thematic layers on topics that include ecosystems, landforms, population, climate, emissions, etc. Contact me at with questions or feedback.

Posts by this author
Introducing Named Landforms of the World, version 2

We are pleased to announce the availability of Named Landforms of the World, version 2.

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A First Glimpse into the Future of Population Data: Part 5

Introducing fast-drawing cartographic population-footprint layers derived from WorldPop's 2020 100-m population density slice.

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A First Glimpse into the Future of Population Data: Part 4

Here, we share a recent example of how to use the age and sex cohort data to create a storymap about women's access to health services in Ghana.

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WorldPop 100m Gridded Population Layers Now Available in the Living Atlas

In December 2021 we announced WorldPop's 1-km gridded population data was available in the Living Atlas, now the 100-m data is also available.

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A First Glimpse into the Future of Population Data: Part 3

Here, we show using the Zonal Statistics as Table tool to derive annual estimates of population for challenging polygon datasets.

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A First Glimpse into the Future of Population Data: Part 2

Covers common tasks for working with's 1-km gridded population layers with ArcGIS Pro.

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A First Glimpse into the Future of Population Data: Part 1's 1-km gridded population data is available in the Living Atlas of the World.

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COVID-19 Trends

For the first time, we are in a global pandemic and analyzing it as it happens. We use five trends to describe how we are doing.

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Fact-Check Climate Change Where You Live with ArcGIS Pro

The Explore Future Climate Projections lesson includes data for 858 climate variables. This post includes steps to use any of them.

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