Bern Szukalski

Corporate technology evangelist and advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with the ArcGIS system. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (

Posts by this author
All about ArcGIS Online layers

Web maps are built by selecting a basemap, then adding data layers from services and files. Layers can come from many different sources

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Add Flickr photos to ArcGIS Online web maps

Flickr is one of the most popular photo sharing sites available, hosting well over 6 billion images. Here’s how to use your Flickr photos

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Using Google Docs in your ArcGIS Online maps

In a previous post, we covered how you can use a spreadsheet (CSV file) from a Web location to add a layer to your ArcGIS Online map.

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Using USGS topos as your basemap

With a recent ArcGIS Online update the USA Topo basemap (containing the USGS topo map services) no longer appears in the map viewer

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Make Your Own Social Media Map (in 3 easy steps)

Want to know what’s going on with Hurricane Irene and see for yourself what folks on the ground are saying?

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Using Basemap Transparency

With the latest update to ArcGIS Online you can now tone down your basemap to make other layers “pop” by using transparency.

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Downloading Layer Packages from ArcGIS Online

A recent question on the ArcGIS Online Facebook page prompted this post on how to download a layer package

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Creating 3D cross sections for use in ArcGIS Explorer

After a recent post we received quite a few inquiries as to how cross sections are created for visualization in ArcGIS Explorer desktop

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A Technique For Toning Down Your Basemaps

We’re working on some new basemap styles and capabilities that will offer additional basemap choices to create a better backdrop

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