Bern Szukalski

Corporate technology evangelist and advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with the ArcGIS system. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (

Posts by this author
Using Story Map autoplay mode

Story Maps normally require user interaction; the viewer must click or scroll to advance to the next section, entry, or tour point. But m...

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What’s New in ArcGIS Online (June 2018)

An overview of enhancements and new capabilities in the June 2018 ArcGIS Online release.

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Author a map starting at the Living Atlas website

There are lots of ways to make a map using Living Atlas content, and one way that is often overlooked, is to start at the Living Atlas website.

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Authoring maps that auto-update using CSV files

Comma-separated Value files (CSV) referenced fromĀ URL locations refresh automatically. Here's how to set things up.

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Refreshing dynamic layers automatically

Some layers in your web map may be dynamic, meaning they are being updated at regular intervals. Here's how to auto-refresh them.

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Use a Story Map Series instead of PowerPoint

You can use a Story Map instead of PowerPoint for your presentations. Here's how.

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What’s New in ArcGIS Online (April 2018)

An overview of enhancements and new capabilities in the April 2018 ArcGIS Online release.

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Combining Esri default (raster) basemaps with vector basemaps

As an administrator of your organization, you can choose which basemaps your organization uses to create maps and scenes. Esri provides a...

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Create a Story Map Tour using a spreadsheet

A popular story map is Story Map Tour, used for Palm Springs Map Tour, San Diego Mission Bay Reserve, and many other interesting stories....

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