Bern Szukalski

Corporate technology evangelist and advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with the ArcGIS system. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (

Posts by this author
Make your organization home discoverable

If you have a publicly accessible organization home, you can make it easier for others to discover it by add it as a publicly shared item.

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Get started with ArcGIS Experience Builder: sync 2D and 3D maps

Learn how to use triggers and actions to sync 2D and 3D maps in ArcGIS Experience Builder.

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Get started with ArcGIS Experience Builder: Foldable template

ArcGIS Experience Builder enables you to create a variety of web experiences for your audience. Learn how to create an appcentric experience.

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ArcGIS Experience Builder overview and concepts

An overview of the ArcGIS Experience Builder user interface, and the tools and settings you will work with.

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Configure your home page navigation bar and galleries

You can make your home page a better destination by configuring your Navigation bar and Gallery and Groups links. Here's how.

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What’s new in ArcGIS Online (June 2021)

The June 2021 release delivers many new capabilities and enhancements. Read on to learn more about what's new and updated.

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ArcGIS Living Atlas News (June 2021)

News, updates, and new content from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World.

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Introducing ArcGIS Living Atlas Live Feeds Status

ArcGIS Living Atlas Live Feeds Status is a new, simple to navigate page displaying the current service status for Esri live feeds.

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Map in a minute: Explore historic low water levels in Lake Mead using ArcGIS Living Atlas

Explore historic low water levels in Lake Mead in a minute (or less) using ArcGIS Living Atlas and Landsat Explorer.

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