Anita Kemp

Anita Kemp is a product engineer on the Developer Experience team.

Posts by this author
A new developer website experience

Learn more about the new Esri Developer website experience.

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What’s new in the developer guides (January 2024)

Find out what's new in the Mapping APIs and location services guide.

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The Basemap Styles Service v2 is Now Released

Check out the newest version of the basemap styles service

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Announcing the new places service for developers (beta release)

The new ArcGIS places service is now in beta.

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What’s new in the Mapping APIs and location services developer guide

Updates to developer documentation to help you build apps with ArcGIS location services

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Spatial analysis for developers

Build different types of spatial analysis applications with ArcGIS client-side APIs and the spatial analysis service. 

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A new video experience for developers

Learn more about the new Esri Developers YouTube channel, the Developers gallery on, and more.

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The top 3 updates to the Esri Leaflet developer guide!

The new guide updates make it easier to find the information you need to build your Leaflet application with ArcGIS location services.

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Live discussion: What’s New in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript v4.24

Join us on Tuesday, June 28th for a livestream of new features in version 4.24 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

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