
What’s new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6: Geocode Locations from Table in ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

As a new member of the ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server team, I have quickly learned about GeoAnalytics and what it has to offer. GeoAnalytics enables users to leverage distributed computation for big data analysis. If you feel as I did, these new terms might be intimidating. Spoiler alert: GeoAnalytics is not scary – it’s extremely exciting! GeoAnalytics offers you the familiar ArcGIS experience: GeoAnalytics Tools are accessible through ArcGIS Pro and the ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and if you are a developer (or a Python whiz-in-training like myself), you can leverage the REST API, the arcpy module, or the newly introduced ArcGIS API for Python. In all cases, GeoAnalytics distributes analysis across your GeoAnalytics Server on one or many machines. This allows for tailored analysis as you gear your server settings to work most efficiently for you – tell me that isn’t awesome! ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 introduces three exciting new GeoAnalytics tools – Calculate Field, Detect Incidents, and Geocode Locations from Table. I’ve had the opportunity to test out (and have some fun with) Geocode Locations from Table, and I’m excited to share it with you!

All about geocoding in ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server 10.6

Geocode Locations from Table is ideal for you if you are maintaining address data – it is the perfect kick-start to mapping and visualizing your data by giving your addresses a place on a map! Geocode Locations opens up many opportunities to ask questions of your data, and conduct further spatial analysis. That makes us GIS analysts very excited about this tool! Here is a quick sneak-peek of how Geocode Locations from Table can transform your data from address name to spatial coordinates: Atlanta Geocoded Results from address to location

One unique aspect of GeoAnalytics is that it allows us to analyze patterns in large data that would otherwise be hidden, or cumbersome to interpret. For example, with Geocode Locations from Table, you can:

Check out GeoAnalytics tools for further inspiration; we offer many dynamic tools to analyze your geocoded locations!

Try it out

To get started with Geocode Locations from Table, all you need are the addresses you want to locate and a locator (parameters 1 and 2 outlined in red). A quick note on locators– they can be configured specifically to your location and data, or they can be geared towards a larger audience with various location formats. It is up to your organization to decide what you would like to use! Let’s have a look at the interface that guides your geocoding journey with an Atlanta example:

Enter your parameters into the Geocode Locations from Table tool dialog.

Once you have provided the input table and locator parameters, you are able to run the tool and see your results.

View your geocoded locations in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal map viewer.

And voila! By placing your locations on a map via Geocode Locations from Table, you have initiated the process of data exploration for you and your organization. Now that we have eliminated the fear of GeoAnalytics and big data, get out there and geocode!

Learn more about Geocode Locations from Table

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly at

About the author

Bethany (she/her) is a Product Engineer on the Data Pipelines team and the GeoAnalytics team. Her background is in biology and GIS with experience in data management and spatial-temporal analysis.


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