ArcGIS Enterprise

Monthly Linux Tip: Troubleshooting ArcGIS Web Adaptor on Linux

“How do I troubleshoot this?” If you have ever asked this question when registering the Web Adaptor in a Linux environment, then this blog is for you. This blog will provide a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help when registering the Web Adaptor on Linux.

Specifically, we will investigate the following two common errors:

The troubleshooting investigated is broken down into the following four sections: Preliminary, Logging. Networking, Web Server.

NOTE: This blog assumes that you have previously installed and configured Portal for ArcGIS and/or ArcGIS Server.

1. Preliminary

With both of these errors, some preliminary first steps can be taken. Below are some options:

If none of the above seem to work, looking at the logs is out next line of defense.

2. Logging

As with any error, one of the first troubleshooting measures is to start with the logs. Depending on your web server, the process of troubleshooting logs will differ. We will focus specifically with Tomcat in this blog.

Catalina is Tomcat’s internal servlet container and is responsible for several of Tomcat’s key functions, including logging. With that said, investigating the Catalina logs will be helpful in troubleshooting. To do so, navigate to <Tomcat installation directory>/logs. By default, Tomcat’s logs are defined at the level “FINE”.

Below is an example of my Tomcat logs after receiving the error “Unable to connect to Portal URL”:

As we can see, there are multiple instances where my Portal machine was not found. Going back to my ./ command and my syntax, I was incorrectly typing my machine name. Once fixed, now the logging shows that the PortalWebAdaptorConfig.updateConfigFile Properties file is updated translating to a successful registration of my Portal Web Adaptor.

Tomcat logs can help to determine factors such as if the ArcGIS Web Adaptor is not successfully deployed to Tomcat, if Tomcat can properly connect to ArcGIS Server or Portal for ArcGIS, and other useful information.

If the logs don’t help, try seeing if there are any underlying network issues.

3. Networking

When exploring networking, many factors play a part, but we will focus on a few.

If the network appears to check out, try investigating the actual Web Server itself for any configuration issues.

4. Web Server

Sometimes the issue may not be the Web Adaptor, but with the Web Server itself. While every environment is unique, there are general troubleshooting steps that can be taken on your web server.


These methods do not encompass all of the options available to help register your Web Adaptor on Linux. However, hopefully this has given you further insight on how to better troubleshoot.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below and thank you for reading this Monthly Linux Tip!

About the author

Markus is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Enterprise team, where he specializes with Linux architectures.

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