
Identify Hurricane Shelters in Houston

Hurricane Harvey overwhelmed authorities trying to find shelter for the 300,000 victims seeking dry ground during that storm’s record rainfall in August and September 2017.

A new Learn ArcGIS lesson, Find Potential Hurricane Shelters, could help authorities avoid the human toll of future storms like Harvey by identifying shelters before hurricanes can make landfall.

In this 40-minute lesson, you’ll use ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App to compare locations of potential shelters in the greater Houston area with FEMA’s 100-year-flood-plain map. You’ll remove the shelters within the flood zones and then run a suitability analysis ranking each potential shelter on its ability to serve vulnerable populations, such as those over 65 years.

About the author

John Berry

Tweeting for LearnArcGIS is ssssoooo much fun! I'm John Berry, a recovering newspaper reporter and current product engineer for Learn ArcGIS. My main task is authoring and editing lessons for Learn ArcGIS, but while nobody is looking, I also get to write blogs and tweets for the site. (And since becoming a dad in 2004, I've long mastered the fine art of dad humor, which -- properly timed -- can cause eyes to roll and laughs to start.

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