Our December release of ArcGIS Online is our final update of 2017. We have continued improving our configurable apps by addressing bugs and feature enhancements. A few new highlights are detailed below.
Minimal Gallery
Minimal Gallery is now out of beta. This app provides a simple way to display maps, scenes, apps, and other types of content from a group in a presentable gallery. This app can be embedded into a website, or provided as a standalone app to help present your content to an audience. Improvements have been made to the configuration panel enabling more control over the look and feel of the app, and how your audience interacts with it.
App Proxy Rate Limiting
We have added functionality to the app proxy to limit the request traffic to your premium and subscription layers. The app proxy is used when you would like to offer public access to your web app that contains these types of layers. Our help topic on sharing apps publicly that contain subscriber content will give a more in depth description of this concept and step by step instructions on executing this workflow. Within the configuration panel of the app, the General tab now includes parameters for controlling the rate limit. In the example below, the population density layer is limited to 200 requests per hour.
Crowdsource Apps
We’ve added the following enhancements to Crowdsource Manager, Crowdsource Reporter, and Crowdsource Polling.
Crowdsource Manager:
• Added the ability to build a URL that links directly to a record in Manager.
• Added the ability to see pop-up information for non-editable layers.
• Added configuration options to display a basemap toggle and a legend in the map area.
Crowdsource Reporter:
• Added support for symbology based on Arcade expressions.
• Added a configuration option to choose which locator services are used in the application.
• Added configuration options to display a basemap toggle and a legend in the map area.
Crowdsource Polling:
• Added a series of configuration parameters which permit the opening and closing of the comment period.
Story Maps
In our continued effort towards making all apps accessible, we have enhanced Story Map Journal with new features in the past two releases. Check out this blog for details on everything that is new with accessibility enhancements for Story Map Journal.
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