
It’s never too early to learn (and teach!) spatial analysis

There are few things more inspiring than learning about the next generation of geographers, so we are excited to share the story of Yuliang Huang! Eleven-year-old Yuliang incorporated some awesome spatial analysis skills into his National Elementary Honor Society community service as he was cleaning up a beach near his home in Florida.  He used the locations of the cigarette butts he found to illustrate the important differences between hot spot maps and heat maps.  To raise awareness about this litter issue in their community, and to encourage spatial thinking, Yuliang, with some guidance from his father, created this awesome Map Journal Story Map explaining the differences between these often confused analyses.  Yuliang walked through the whole analysis process, which included collecting the cigarette butts on the beach, capturing their location with Collector for ArcGIS, entering his data into ArcGIS Online, running the analysis tools and communicating the differences in his Story Map.  The results are great, and we love to see budding spatial scientists!

To learn more about Hot Spot Analysis, check out Spatial Data Mining: A Deep Dive into Cluster Analysis and

About the author

Jenora is a product engineer on the Spatial Statistics team. She's been with Esri since 2014 working on and writing about the exciting new spatial stats tools that we have worked hard on.

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