3D Visualization & Analytics

ArcGIS Pro turns 1.3 today

See what’s new in today’s release of ArcGIS Pro 1.3, find out how to get the software, and learn how to use it.

What’s new at ArcGIS Pro 1.3

ArcGIS Pro turns 1.3The latest release number is 1.3, but in software development years, ArcGIS Pro is over four years of age, having its official project inception in early 2012. The first release was in January, 2015.

Hundreds of developers, product engineers, and others like me at Esri who have been building ArcGIS Pro over the years are delighted to see it reach the 1.3 milestone. But what many of us truly measure ArcGIS Pro by is how well it helps GIS professionals like you model, analyze, and intelligently shape the world around us.

The 1.3 release delivers several new capabilities to help you with your work. Here are some highlights:

A complete list of new capabilities is available in What’s New at ArcGIS Pro 1.3.

Get ArcGIS Pro 1.3

Common setup questions

At Esri’s International User Conference last week, I talked to several GIS professionals who wanted to install ArcGIS Pro but thought they couldn’t, when in fact they could. Unfortunately, this was preventing them from keeping up with the latest GIS technology. Understanding the following facts, however, made them eager to put ArcGIS Pro on their machines.




More questions about ArcGIS Pro are available in the ArcGIS Pro FAQ page.

System requirements

If you’re not sure whether ArcGIS Pro 1.3 will work on your machine, see ArcGIS Pro 1.3 system requirements for the complete requirements list. Some of the more commonly referenced requirements are listed below.

Download and install ArcGIS Pro 1.3

If you and your machine are ready for 1.3, here is where to get it:

Learn to use ArcGIS Pro

If ArcGIS Pro is new to you, try the quick-start tutorials. I recommend Introducing ArcGIS Pro to get familiar with the software and its user interface.  Each tutorial focuses on a primary aspect of ArcGIS Pro, such as creating projects and symbolizing map layers, and states an estimated time to complete it, which varies between 10 and 45 minutes. Many have a one to three minute overview video, which shows the interaction described in the step-by-step instructions. New tutorials will be added in future updates.

Esri’s Learn site provides several lessons that teach how to use ArcGIS Pro through real-world problems. In Get Started with ArcGIS Pro, you build 2D and 3D maps of Venice, Italy and quantify and visualize flood risk.

If you’re familiar with ArcMap, but new to ArcGIS Pro, the For ArcMap Users help topic is for you. It gives a brief introduction to what’s different and points out where some common tools can be found in ArcGIS Pro.

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