Data Management

Contributions Update World Imagery Basemap

The World Imagery basemap continues to be updated with community contributions to the Living Atlas of the World. Our latest release adds updated imagery in nine communities across the U.S. and Europe. These high-resolution imagery updates replace older and/or lower resolution content. View this story map detailing all the contributors in our recent release. Also included are examples how the communities are using and sharing their contributed content through maps, apps and their portal.

July 2016 World Imagery Basemap Updates story map

The list of new and updated contributors added to the World Imagery basemap:

These updates are part of the ArcGIS Online effort to provide updated imagery content. This effort continues with contributions provided through the Community Maps Program as well as Esri’s newly announced partnership with DigitalGlobe to provide updated imagery for the entire world.

Atlas Community

How do I Use? Combine content from the Living Atlas with your own data. Create powerful new maps and applications!

How do I contribute? Join the growing community of Living Atlas of the World contributors. There are two ways to contribute!

Living Atlas Newsletter: This newsletter will keep you and other members of the Living Atlas user community informed through success stories, examples of applied use, visibility of new content, announcements about events, and other useful resources and information. Subscribe to the Esri News for the Living Atlas Community. You can have the newsletter sent right to your inbox by subscribing here.

Follow us on Twitter: @LivingAtlas

Share your story: How has contributing to the Living Atlas Community benefited your organization and community? Has your participation helped meet a particular challenge? Has your applied use of Living Atlas content solved a problem or help meet a goal? Email me at so we can promote your success.


If you have previously used these maps, you may need to clear your cache in order to see the updates.

If you have feedback  on content, try our Topographic Map Feedback web map or Imagery Map Feedback web map.

If you have other feedback or comments, please post them to the ArcGIS Online Discussion Group and the Living Atlas Discussion Group on GeoNet.

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