
Integrating R and ArcGIS – Free Webinar

Posted on behalf of Shaun Walbridge and Steve Kopp

We had a lot of interest and feedback last week from our Developer Summit presentation about using the statistical language R with ArcGIS. If you missed it, or you’re looking for more, Cameron Plouffe from Esri Canada recently gave a two part webinar. The first part is about working with R and integration with ArcGIS, and the second part gets into building tools leveraging both ArcGIS  and R.  For part 1 you should already be familiar with R and have some experience using it. Part 2 builds upon material from the first session and assumes you have experience building your own geoprocessing tool.  Click in the links below to see the presentations.

Topics covered in Part 1:
Installing the R-ArcGIS Bridge; Basic R concepts; Manipulating data frames using 3rd party packages; Spatial data handling with the “arcgisbinding” package.

Topics covered in Part 2:
Basic components of an R-ArcGIS script tool; Writing a stand-alone R script that can be attached to an ArcGIS geoprocessing tool; Constructing an R-ArcGIS script tool in ArcGIS Pro.

Updated on Apr 1, 2016 with links to video recordings of the sessions.

About the author

Juan is a Product Engineer and Documentation Lead on the Spatial Analyst team.

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