Field Operations

Workforce for ArcGIS is coming soon!

Maximizing the efficiency of your field workforce is key to a successful mobile strategy and with the introduction of Workforce for ArcGIS now you can plan, monitor and streamline field to office workflows using the ArcGIS platform.

In the field
Workforce is a new ArcGIS app that you can use on your iOS or Android device to manage what you need to do each day.

 It knows when other ArcGIS apps are installed so you can Navigate to assigned work and complete it using Collector or Survey123.

Workforce fosters field collaboration by sharing your location and letting you find and contact others that are nearby. It improves coordination with the office as well by letting you broadcast when you are working or when you are taking a break.

In the office
Using the Workforce back-office web app, field managers create and assign work to mobile workers. Choosing the type of work, it’s priority and due date, and sharing a description of what needs to be done gives the mobile worker insight into the work they need to do.

Workforce is integrated into the ArcGIS platform. GIS administrators can create Workforce Projects directly inside their ArcGIS organization, define the list of assignment types and leverage ArcGIS identities to define who can create and assign work and who can complete it in the field.

Workforce for ArcGIS takes workflow out of the office and into the field. It keeps both in sync so that you can maximize your field operations.

Our initial beta release is planned for January 12th. Visit our website, and click the Notify button to get all of the latest information about Workforce and sign up for the beta!

About the author

Jeff Shaner is a Senior Product Lead with the software products team at Esri. With 27 years experience, Jeff is focused on delivering apps that enable users to work more productively, safely, and effectively. In his spare time, you are likely to find Jeff on the golf course or hockey rink. 

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