ArcGIS Blog

3D Visualization & Analytics

Mouse Navigation in ArcGIS Earth 1.0 beta

By Chris Andrews

We continue to get fantastic feedback about the ArcGIS Earth 1.0 beta! There have been several requests for more information about how to navigate in the app.

Basic mouse navigation is pretty straightforward and matches closely to the web scene viewer JavaScript 3D experience that we have in ArcGIS Online and in Portal for ArcGIS Server. The essential pieces are:

  • Click left mouse button and hold while moving the mouse to pan the view
  • Click right mouse button and hold while moving the mouse to orbit around a point on the terrain
  • Mouse wheel zooms in (forward) and out (backward)

You can also use the small arrow in the upper right of the viewport to orient north to be ‘up’ in the view.  The small house icon will orient the view with north up, zoom out away from the Earth to 11,000 KM, and point the view directly down at the Earth.

The geocode or locate bar can also be used for address information, place names, and coordinates in Decimal Degrees in the order [Longitude, Latitude].

Check out a quick video talking you through these actions:

[youtube width=”425″ height=”300″][/embedyt]

We’re working quickly to make changes to meet some of the feedback users have logged by our code cutoff for our December release date. We’re excited to get ArcGIS Earth out in production and to continue to improve upon the experience.

If you are looking for the beta, it’s still open here:

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