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AHN2 Netherlands in Esri World Elevation Services

By Rajinder Nagi

In a country like Netherlands, where about half of its land is less than 1 meter (3.3 ft) above sea level, having detailed and precise elevation data is vital for applications like flood management, climate change, 3D visualization and terrain analysis. We are excited to include highly detailed 3m elevation data for Netherlands derived from AHN2 LiDAR point cloud into the Esri World Elevation Layers. The LiDAR data came from Rijkswaterstaat, Provincies en de Waterschappen and consists of 1374 LAZ files of approximately 0.5 terabytes. Esri Netherlands processed the data after fixing the anomalies and quality issues and contributed the DTM’s of the entire Netherlands to the Living Atlas of the World. With this update, Netherlands has a whopping 30 times more detail.

Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland, Overveen, Noord-Holland, NederlandZuid-Kennemerland National Park, Noord-Holland, Netherlandssand dunes along North Sea coastline

KootwijkGelderland_NetherlandsKootwijkerzand, Gelderland, Netherlandsthe largest sand dunes area in Europe

Steengroeve WinterswijkSteengroeve, Winterswijk, Netherlandsan open-cast mine where mainly limestone is extracted

BourtangeGroningen_NetherlandsFort Bourtange, Groningen, Netherlandsa star shaped fort built in 1593 during the Dutch Revolt in the village of Bourtange

CircuitParkZandvoortCircuit Park Zandvoort, Netherlandsa motorsport race track located in the dunes north of Zandvoort, near the North Sea coastline

The AHN2 dataset greatly enhances the world elevation layers and its derivatives. We will continue to improve these layers with the best authoritative data available from public sources and community contributors. For more information on becoming a Community Maps for Elevation contributor, click here.


by Rajinder Nagi, Lead Community Elevation

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