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Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS v10.3 is live now!

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS just released it’s 10.3 update and you can download it from ArcGIS Online right now!

There are a number of very focused, great new enhancements to take advantage of with this update and we have made a number of stability improvements as well.

Here are some top enhancements to look for…

Filter data sources by current map extent

This is a really powerful new feature. Your feature layer is a data source and you have

always been able to apply an attribute query as a filter but now you can combine that with a spatial filter (the current map extent). This lets you use widgets to compare data – like well production in the current map extent with all well production. Combined with an attribute filter you can do some pretty amazing visual analytics!

Separate refresh rates for media

Dashboard is designed to work with real-time data and you can tweak how frequently you want to see and receive updates (either synchronized in the app or independently by layer). If you have security or traffic web cams though, refreshing the layer itself didn’t help you. We now have a separate refresh rate that you can set specifically for media that you link to and updates on its own schedule.

Expanding widgets in the browser app 

Back in March of 2014 we introduced the Browser app to compliment the Windows app and designed it specifically for touch screen tablets (iPads, Android tablets). With 10.3 it is now available with your on-premises Portal as well as embedded within ArcGIS Online. We recently added the ability to pop out widgets so you can see them better on smaller screens.

There are many more enhancements, like using external tables as a data source to power widgets. You can find details on our doc site.

NOTE: If you deploy the Operations Dashboard with ArcGIS Server, please download the Deployment Utility inside of My Esri – it has a slight delay in being released. We are hoping to make it available by Friday January 14th.

We have a lot of exciting new work coming in 2015 – a new way to extend the Dashboard using JavaScript, a complete refresh of the Windows app, massive improvements to charting and many new widgets. As always we really want to hear from you on your use of the Operations Dashboard app and what you would like to see coming next. Email us at!

About the author

Jeff Shaner is a Senior Product Lead with the software products team at Esri. With 27 years experience, Jeff is focused on delivering apps that enable users to work more productively, safely, and effectively. In his spare time, you are likely to find Jeff on the golf course or hockey rink. 

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