ArcGIS Earth

ArcGIS Earth Mobile Beta - A little bit more (July 2019)

Status of the ArcGIS Earth Mobile Beta 

 In the seven months since the public beta program was released, we have seen more than 38,000 beta testers using ArcGIS Earth from Google Play store, and a growing number of iOS testers. The iOS testing group is smaller due to the prerequisite of downloading TestFlight. The dev team has received feedback in more than 200 emails. More users are inquiring about consuming thematic and traditional GIS data in a realistic context, in a mobile device.

Esri’s first mobile 3D app, powered by the latest ArcGIS Runtime SDKs, will finally come into production in August. ArcGIS Earth Mobile allows anyone with an iOS or Android phone to access Esri content from anywhere. Users will be able to explore their hometown or any city. Mobile devices have become part of our lives. ArcGIS Earth Mobile, designed for everyone, brings an amazing 3D experience right to your fingertips, whether online or offline. If you have not tried, find the download url for iOS and Android from the release blog.

ArcGIS Earth Mobile Is for Everyone

We are indeed truly happy when our product inspires the imagination and stirs discussion. We appreciate hearing comments like, “This is intelligent and useful,” and “This is way beyond expectation.” Mobile apps are part of a culture we have all grown accustomed to, given their presence as location-based apps and their across the spectrum of augmented and virtual reality. What does that mean to you when using a mobile 3D app? Because more and more users browse on their phones, we’ve been working hard to update and improve the mobile experience and expand the mobile 3D capability. The result is a  user-friendly experience that is remarkably consistent between the desktop and mobile environments and adaptable to many collaborative scenarios.

Our youngest beta tester, who is five years old, fell in love with rotating the globe. A city planner was happy to explore his master plan design on-site simply by signing in to the online account and fetching the GIS layers within seconds. Hikers have created tours from an album and recorded a movie-like video to document their hiking experience. A user from the mining industry is thrilled to use the Viewshed Analysis tool in a mobile app and expects us to bring the first angled view capability back. Our aviation customers are requesting synchronized information with their Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) apps.

Mobile Scene Package suppot on ArcGIS Earth Desktop and ArcGIS Earth Mobile, releasing soon
MSPK support

What’s Coming

In the 1.0 release, ArcGIS Earth will emphasize the collaborative workflow between ArcGIS Earth Desktop and ArcGIS Earth Mobile. New features are planned, including the following:

We Want to Hear from You 

If you’re in San Diego for the 2019 Esri User Conference, stop at the ArcGIS Earth booth in the 3D area of the Expo. Get your questions answered by experts from the team of ArcGIS Earth, or just stop by to say hi. We have set up a mini testing session at the booth to let you try out ArcGIS Earth Mobile 1.0. You will also have the chance to hear about what’s coming in the desktop version of ArcGIS Earth 1.10. We will conduct an overview of ArcGIS Earth for desktop and mobile in Room 14A. The session will be held on Tuesday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. See you there!


About the author

Jasmine Du is the Product Manager of Scene Viewer and Web 3D experience. She also talks about 3D and Digital Twins. Trained as a GIS professional, Jasmine has more than 12 years of experience in the geospatial industry. She is driving to empower numerous industries with the latest Esri's 3D technology. In 2015, she joined Esri as the lead product engineer for ArcGIS Earth and transferred to PM in 2021. Previously, she was a GIS Analyst in Abt Associates New York office.


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